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Livraison gratuite aux États-Unis USA flag

* La livraison est gratuite pour toute commande de 200$ et plus, à l'EXCEPTION des commandes contenant un ou des karts.

Un frais fixe de 200$ s'appliquera alors à la commande.

110,95 $ USD

The clutch is fully tunable with optional weights. The optional weights alow the racer to make small adjustments to the engaging speed for optimal performance. The shoes have been designed to reduce chatter and provide smoother engagement over the Fury clutch. The shoes are lighter than a Fury shoe which reduces the inertia and include cleaning grooves to collect dirt/debris. The cleaning grooves maintain a smooth drum surface with less galling. The quick change springs, tuning weights, and new shoe design (with increased surface area) make the Flame clutch a great choice for the clone or LO206 for weight classes 400# or less. It is recommended to add the optional weights for super heavy classes.

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